8 Tundra Swans at Shabbona Lake State Park

(this is a reprint of a post from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ILbirds/message/53006)

There are now 8 Tundra Swans at Shabbona Lake State Park. Since I was there two
days ago, a lot more of the ice has melted and the waterfowl are more spread
out. In addition to the usual waterfowl, there are many Greater White-fronted
Geese as well as Cackling Geese.

At Afton F.P., there was the usual assortment of winter land birds. I have
noticed a lot more American Robins coming in. Two days ago there was a
Red-winged Blackbird singing. Today I had my first of year Killdeer fly over my
head calling out. On the ponds there were the usual Canada Geese and Mallards.
Mixed in with them there were a few Cackling Geese and Northern Pintails.

Merritt Prairie F.P. was abuzz with the chatter of the usual assortment of
winter birds and the resident Cooper’s Hawk made a couple appearances.

My favorite two birds today were two species of owls. I won’t give their
locations since they are in sensitive areas for the birds. The first owl I
spotted was a Barred Owl at the roost I found last week. The other owl was a
Great Horned Owl that was perched near the nest that it used last year.

I have included a photo link to one of the Cackling Geese and Tundra Swans.

Cackling Goose at Afton:

Tundra Swan at Shabbona Lake:

Daniel Leifheit
DeKalb County
source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ILbirds/message/53006

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