I once went over to the Mississippi River to go ice fishing. I had heard about all of the big Crappie they were catching in a river slew called Spring Lake. When I got there two guys were unloading their ice fishing gear. A tent, buckets, sled and auger. Then they reached into the back of the pick up and each grabbed two 2 X 4’s about six feet long. As they walked up to the shoreline I asked them, “What is the deal with the 2 X 4’s.”
They said parts of the lake was really thin ice, and they would put down on the ice, the 2 X 4’s and walk on the 2 X 4’s to spread their weight out, so the ice would not crack.
I climbed back in my truck and went home.
I often thought about those two guys and frankly, what idiots they were.
In my opinion there is nothing that is “SAFE ICE”. All lake ice is potentially dangerous. But yet every year I can’t wait to go ice fishing. There are certain guidelines that I have learned over the years.
1. Never go ice fishing alone, always go with a buddy, or at least fish near other ice fishermen.
2. Always take a throwable device like a boat seat cushion, with at least 20 feet of rope attached. It may save your life or you may save someone else.
3. Always carry “Ice Picks”. These are handy devices to help one get out of a hole. You will probably never use them, but …
4. Any ice under 4 inches is not safe. The next step you could be in 2 inches of ice or less. I was once ice fishing Delevan Lake and walked about 20 yards past a group of fishermen. I drilled a hole and to my shock, the ice was only 1 1/2″ deep. It was 5 inches deep where the other fishermen were.
I climbed back in my truck and went home. I found out later, that the spot where I was, “was open water yesterday”.
5. Always be careful, don’t rely on others and like a famous politician said “Trust, but verify”
Ice fishing is a great sport and enjoyed by thousands, just be careful and if I see you pulling a 2 X 4 out of your pickup truck and head for the lake to go ice fishing, I will take it away and hit you over the head with it!!!