Shabbona Lake Bass Fishing League

There is still room for more teams in the Shabbona Lake Bass Fishing League.  Interested?  Join in this Sunday.

The Shabbona Lake Sportsman Club sponsors a Bass Fishing League that starts on May 20, 2012 and will run through September.  The league meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month form 6:30 am to Noon.

The rules:

  • 3 anglers to a boat of which at least one must be 18yrs or younger.
  • $50 per boat for the season. (1/3 of this fee will be donated to Shabbona Lake Sportsman Club for their projects)
  • Limit of 15 boats.
  • Weights from each months fishing will be complied for the season total.
  • All Shabbona Lake rules apply.
  • Teams can only have the largest for each angler
  • Live bait trolling and fly fishing are allowed
  • Boats must have a livewell.

If you are interested in joining the Shabbona Lake Bass Fishing League, please call Rich at 815-824-2523.

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