Yesterday we meet with IDNR personnel in Springfield. Here is a synopsis:
1. The IDNR was caught off hand by the sudden passage of the Bill by the Illinois House. At this point there are more questions than answers with how the program will be implemented. The bill leaves the implementation decisions to the IDNR.
2. The IDNR is in need of approximately 22 million dollars in additional “substainable” income in order to survive. A park enterance fee would account for 8-10 million. However there is no guarantee that the money will not result in a swap out of general revenue funds.
3. The intent of the bill is to have all park users pay for access to parks, this would include fishermen, hunters, hikers, walkers, bird watchers, daily visitors, etc.
4. Amount to be charged may be $5 to $10 a day or $25 to $35 for a yearly pass.
5. Park passes would be sold thru fishing license machines or thru the IDNR website. Complaince would be basically voluntary, with very spotty enforcement.
6. If passed by the Senate and signed by the Governor, the earliest start date would be in October of 2012.
7. There was a lenghtly discussion about alternative sources of funds, mainly centered around a $1 to $5 vehicle license plate fee. This would keep the Parks free and generate the revenue from a broader base.
8. As many parks have concessions, the IDNR is working on allowing customers access to concessions without a daily fee. How that would be implemented and what that actually means is unknown at this time.
There are a lot of issues to be resolved and whether it will become a law is still in doubt. The discussion was very open and sometimes heated with concerns of the current economy, gas prices and unemployment. The timing of the new fee could not be worse.
But, at the same time we know that fishing and recreational opportunities in Illinois are very good. What the future holds for the IDNR itself, is certainly in flux.