Pokanoka’s Run / Walk

1st Annual Pokanoka’s Trail Run/Walk

The Trail Run/Walk is a fundraising event for Safe Passage, DeKalb County’s Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Agency. The mission of Safe Passage is to reduce or prevent domestic violence and sexual assault.

Shabbona Lake State Park
July 4th, 2013
9 AM


Early bird registration (7 Days In Advance): $25 for runners, $10 for walkers
Late registration (6 Days or less) or day of race: additional $5 for runners

Online Registration : http://racetime.info/registrationcalendar/july/7413-pokanokas-run/.

Website: www.pokanokasrun.com Questions: [email protected]

Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pokanokas-Run-and-Walk/224192204390751

Choose the 8 miles trail for runners, or 1.8 mile trail for walkers through scenic, historical Shabbona Lake State Park. Both are on “off-road” trails on mowed pathways.

The 8 mile Trail Race will be timed by RACE TIME, Inc. (www.racetime.info) from Winfield, Illinois, while the walkers leisurely walk at their own pace.

Awards will be given to the top three finishers in the following categories: Male, Female, Youth under 18. Each registered participant will receive a race T shirt.

Give Back 

All proceeds from the Trail Run/Walk will be given to Safe Passage, DeKalb County’ Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Agency. (All Donations are tax deductible).

Safe Passage offers a wide range of services to victims of domestic and sexual violence, including counseling, legal and medical advocacy, crisis intervention, community education, and a 24-hour support hotline. Established in 1981, Safe Passage continues to grow in an effort to serve more victims and their families.


Rain or Shine… No Refunds

Pokanoka's Walk

PR Pic Run3

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