April Fishing Contest Winners

Here are the winning fish from the April Fishing Contest. We had a 48″ muskie caught, but unfortunately he was not signed up for the contest, so he lost out on $100.00. We also had a bass brought in on April 30th that would have beaten the current leader by .05 LBS but he was not in the contest either.

Crappie – Ron and Shane Sax with a 12″ 1.1 LB crappie $100.00 winner

Largemouth Bass- Jay Taylor with a 22″ 5.3 LB bass $100.00 winner

Striped Bass – Kyle Burks with a 25.5″ 7.25 LB striper $100.00 winnerBass 1 Crappie 1 Muskie 4 Striper 3 2014-04-30 07.35.12

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