We had an exceptional number of fish stocked in 2013. Check out the numbers!
A big plus was the 3,373 Walleye, 4.5″ stocked 07-26-13. A lot of them will make it, along with the 1,256 Walleye, we stocked in November from the donation jar money.
Thanks to the IDNR, the SLSC and those who donated!!!
05-22-13 …….. 22,775 ……..1.5” ……..Walleye
07-01-13 ………..4,393 ……..2.0″………Stripers
07-26-13 ………..3,373 ……..4.5” ……..Walleye
09-05-13 ………..6,020 ……..8.0 ……….Catfish
10-05-13 …………..351 …….6.54 ………SMB
10-05-13 ………..1.291 ……..5.8” ………LMB
10-09-13 …………..324 ……..11.2” …….Muskie
11-02-13 ………..1,256 …….6”-8” ……Walleye